Mar 8, 2012

Pink Slime? My kids arent eating that garbage...

Start packing your kids lunch so you know what they are eating...

Seven Million Pounds of “Pink Slime” Beef Destined for National School Lunch Program


Dede said...

I seen this on the news the other night and thought it was some kind of sick joke. First salad bars in the schools, flop waste of money, then take away a childs lunch taken from home to give chicken nuggets, this push to make school lunches healthy and we are going to add this to their lunches? Help me to understand all of this..... No my kids don't go to public school, they are home schooled. When they did, I packed their lunches. It seems like there is a lot of time wasted over the issue of school lunches and not enough time used as to the quality of the schooling that our children are getting at public schools.


Foolish Notions Vintage said...

Your right, and after having 4 kids of my own I began to get really health conscience since I started learning what really is and isn't in our food. Its scary to not know what potentially harmful products they could be consuming on a daily basis when they are out of my care and in the hands of the school. I am very picky about what they eat.
Huge kudos to you for homeschooling by the way... good for you. I wish I had gone that route myself.
hugs back at ya!