Mar 25, 2009

New Offerings...

Things are starting to get back to normal somewhat, poor Sissy's finger still has a long way to go after she dislocated it, ouch! I can't help but remember what it was like to break my wrist as an adult but to dislocate a finger at 4 yrs of age. I cringe at the thought. Thank goodness kids heal quickly, especially broken bones.

I can't complain about the snow anymore, after two days of rain the sun is shining today for a change and I have two brand new sets of cardinals chirping away out in the back yard. I also have 7 squirrels who think they run the place lol. Well they do really and take turns coming up to get a snack at the back door.

I have been busy trying to catch up, but I did come up with a really neat idea I wanted to share. I have never been one to throw out things that can possibly be used. which is why I think my closets, shed and garage are full of boxes of little treasures. I think they refer to that as uh hmmm... "pack ratting" lol. Ok so I am a pack rat, I have always been able to see the use in something that others might cast away. So my idea sprang forth and I turned some really great containers into some really cool old time vintage spice tins. I got to mix a little of my love for altered art / scrapbooking with my painting and primitive antiquing and this is what came out of the thought.

I love how they turned out, I had to list them in my etsy shop and on the site. Well after making them really grubby.


Sarah Sullivan said...

Oooh I just saw them as I was poking through your website!! Love them - sooooo cute. Glad your sweety is doing better!!!

Light and Shadow Studio said...

Hi Heather, I went and checked out the spice tins, those are so cool! I love the look of your blog banner to and the little saying too. You are so clever...Tammy

Princess61470 said...

LoL, I know all about pack ratting, I come from a long line of them and never, ever throw anything out!! The tins came out darling, great idea!

Betty BeadBug said...

I think they look great. I know all about pack ratting...if I throw it away I am sure to need it sometime shortly and then I will just have to go and buy something! I love your new blog layout looks great. xo

Hibiscus Moon said...

*gasp* I have those same prints, framed on my kitchen wall. I was just drawn to your blog tonight for the 1st time and there are those prints...I've never seen them anywhere else before. I love when that happens.